
Dark chocolate & sweetened chesnut puree ingots

IMGP3373K5MZ9803 After all this time out of the kitchen, I'm back with a quick & easy, but still irresistible recipe. If just like me you are busier & busier every day this is one you won't regret to try !! Believe me, these ingots are moist & taste so gooooood !!

Here's what we need to make 18/20 ingots :

250g sweetened chesnut puree, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 90g dark chocolate, 50g butter.

Here's what we do :

Preheat your oven at 302 °F

Coarsely chop butter & chocolate & melt in "bain marie".

Beat the eggs "omelette" & add chesnut puree & cornstarch, mix together well.

Pour chocolate & butter in until well combined.

Pour into the ingot moulds.

Bake for 20 mn.

                                                                                                                             Relax, savour & share !