I challenge anyone to resist that crunchy creamy salty sweety chocolaty tart !!
It is sophisticated & fine, with the perfect balance between salt & sweet.
Good news : there is no complicated technique to achieve it.
Serves : 8 (9.4 inches tart mould)
Here's what we need :
6 hours.
the pastry : 4 hours in advance, 75g soft butter, 47g icing sugar, 125g flour, 15g almond powder, pinch of salt, 1/2 egg.
salted butter creamy caramel : 100g sugar, 20g glucose, 20g salted butter, 10cl whipping cream, 60g nougat, 60g grilled & salted peanuts.
milk chocolate ganache : 480g milk chocolate, 30cl whipping cream.
Here's what we do :
the pastry : In a bowl, mix the flour & salt, add the soft butter coarsely chopped & work with your fingertips until sandy.
make a well, add the 1/2 egg, pour sugar & almond powder.
Mix with your fingertips until just combined.
Down the dough with your palm a few times then make a ball, cover with a cling film and refrigerate for 4 hours.
preheat you oven at 356°F.
spray the dough with a pinroll.
Cover your mould with a parchment paper & place the dough, then cover it with a second parchment paper & dry beans (or culinary small wheights).
Bake the pastry for 25 minutes.
Allow to cool down & take the beans & parchment off.
the salted butter creamy caramel : Pour the sugar in a saucepan over medium heat.
When it starts to melt, add the glucose.
Allow to caramelize until golden brown.
Add the salted butter & cream & mix well.
Heat for 2 more minutes.
put aside at room temperature.
Coarsely chop the nougat & peanuts.
the milk chocolate ganache : Coarsely chop the chocolate & put it in a medium bowl.
In a saucepan over medium heat, boil the whipping cream.
Pour the hot cream on the chocolate in 3 times, mixing carefully.
Put aside at room temperature.
Pour the caramel on the pastry.
Sprinkle the nougat & peanuts.
Make it freeze in your fridge for 30 minutes.
Add the milk chocolate ganache & make it freeze for 30 more minutes.
Relax, savour & share!
That definitely looks so tempting! Love that it has nougat and peanuts in it!